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Project Details

EditorShane Staley
AuthorJeffrey Thomas
PublisherDarkside Digital
ReleasedOctober 2010

Original Marketing Description

In 1893, the Guests attempt their first contact with the human race. Families go mad. Parents commit suicide. A president is assassinated.

By 1918, in the bleak boneland of the 20th Century, human assassins commit atrocities and global wars are waged to sate the appetites of the Guests. John Board is a crime scene photographer, whose nightmarish images of human destruction are used as titillating entertainment. Board’s future is tied in with these unseen, unfathomable forces — and so is his past. America is drowning in a sea of blood as flashbulbs click and movie cameras roll. The Guests are here to stay.

Boneland is a tale of a not-so-alternate history…a story of horror, science fiction, and the surreal by Jeffrey Thomas, acclaimed author of Letters From Hades, Punktown and Monstrocity.

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