A rowdy pro-wrestler, struggling to make ends meet, agrees to fill in as a last-minute replacement for his girlfriend’s well-paying babysitting job. Upon arriving at the secluded family home, he meets the precocious 10-year-old Grace. What starts off as a quiet night of pizza and video games quickly spirals into bloody, violent chaos as Tom and Grace find themselves fighting for their lives when an otherworldly cult of masked intruders descend on the home.
Let’s cover the positives first. This is a light, not-to-be-taken seriously low budget film which is meant to be a homage and throwback to past horror periods and staples. These types of films are supposed to be fun for no other reason but to sit back and laugh. No deep thinking necessary. Just go with it, enjoy the silliness, carnage and you’ve killed an hour or two of your time. The acting in this film isn’t great, but you do like the characters. I think I’ve covered the positives here.
The problem with Here For Blood is that it’s not all that funny besides its premise. There were a few scenes that sparked some laughter, but it was mostly flat. The story is all over the place, unfocused and not all that interesting. Worst of all was that it seemed to drag towards the end. Films such as these should be quick, fun romps that you don’t have to check the timestamp to see how much longer till the end.
I wanted to like this film, but the only positive that lingered for me was that it positively sucked.
Rating: ★ (out of 5)