

Say your prayers.

In pursuit of a serial killer, an FBI agent uncovers a series of occult clues that she must solve to end his terrifying killing spree.


Longlegs is definitely the most hyped of all horror films to be released this year. There’s been an enigma with the movie since bits started to surface. With so much hype, this is the type of movie that can easily get lost in its own marketing. Become a letdown. However, the initial reaction has been positive and it was only a slight letdown for me personally. Still easily debuting in my top-10 horror films of the year.

First off, what has been reported as the ‘scariest film of the year’ may be true in some regards. But it achieves this in an extremely quiet way. A few jumpscares, not a lot of gore or massive body count. Longlegs achieves its horror from holding viewers at unease. It’s a movie where some aspects will go over the heads of casual movie viewers. There’s definitely some bloody easter eggs to hunt.

Nicolas Cage as Longlegs is really the lynchpin to the movie. There’s been a lot of comparisons to his appearance (Bob Dylan, inspired by Cage’s own mother), but, to me, he seemed like a dead ringer for Robert Smith of The Cure. There’s a fine line this character treads to create fear or disbelief. This movie straddles that test for its viewers to suspend disbelief. But what a creepy Satanic ride it is!

Longlegs needs to be watched multiple times to be understood and truly appreciated. I’m conservatively rating this movie on my first viewing, but plan to revisit it, possibly adjusting the rating a bit higher.

Rating: ★★★½ (out of 5)

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